This can either be a shirt, a hat, or an accessory with the imprints of the rainbow.
It’s an inexpensive and achievable idea, something everyone can participate in. One way to showcase your team’s support and appreciation for PRIDE month is to have a rainbow-themed meeting. The rainbow colors represent diversity, the very nature of the LGBTQIA community. Red, orange, yellow, green, and the combination of different colors placed beside each other is a popular PRIDE symbol. In this article, we’ll talk about nine awesome ways to celebrate Pride month virtually at work, specifically on: These virtual Pride ideas are also ways you can drive engagement in your team.
In the workplace, pride celebrations offer a chance to raise awareness and support your LGBTQIA+ employees. Today, it is the celebration of the LGBTQIA+ identity and a call to action to recognize pressing issues about equality above all else. Pride Month commemorates the Stonewall Riots in June 1969 that inspired the historic gay liberation movement and the fight for LBGT rights that followed.